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Border closures have caused drug traffickers to think big in $160m haul | The Standard

  • Four Hong Kong men were arrested after anti-narcotics officers seized a shipment of heroin and the drug ice worth more than HK$160 million

  • The four suspects ages range from 47 to 29

  • According to police intelligence, the suspects were planning to sell the drugs locally after the Lunar New Year holiday

  • Two of the suspects were from the Shui Fong (Wo On Lok) and 14K triads

  • The drugs are believed to come from the Golden Triangle region (Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar)

There has been a 50 percent increase in heroin seizures last year with 534kg confiscated, up from 368kg in 2020. With border controls remaining in place, syndicates have shifted from carrying small amounts across land border points to transporting big shipments by sea.


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